Student Research

Below are some Bowdoin Asian Studies majors' honors projects, independent study projects, 以及其他反映这些学生对他们选择的学习领域的热情的成就.

The Asian Studies Prize: 授予亚洲研究专业四年级的学生,其亚洲研究课程的累积平均成绩达到特殊水平,并/或在该专业进行了高级独立研究或荣誉项目.

The Chinese Language Prize: 授予对学习中国语言和文化表现出积极和承诺的学生.

The Japanese Language Prize: 授予在日语方面表现优异,并通过服务或研究为跨文化理解做出贡献的学生.


Awards and Prizes

Pauline Marie unitis获得了Goldsmith Adams研究奖,在北京普林斯顿大学继续她的“汉语研究”项目."

Yujin Moon获得了Wolstencroft奖学金,以继续他们的项目“普林斯顿在北京语言项目”及其对我未来作为中草药研究人员的职业生涯的影响."


Honors Theses 

Mitsuki Nishimoto received Highest Honors for her Honors Project: 模因蝴蝶:追踪蝴蝶夫人及其散居后裔的异质性和能动性

Sophia Walker received High Honors for her Honors Project: The Scars of War: The Demonic Mother as A Conduit for Victimization, Collective Guilt and Forgiveness in Postwar Japanese Film, 1949-1964 

Independent Studies

Wu, Guo Wei, "Chinese Poets and Poems of Tang Dynasty"
(Xiaoke Jia, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Awards and Prizes

Mairead Campbell获得Wolstencroft中国奖学金,在北京继续她的项目“全球思维:与普林斯顿大学在中国学习”."

Ethan Barkalow获得了Goldsmith Adams研究奖,他的项目名为“前沿的城市空间:明治日本札幌的发展”."


Independent Studies

Acosta, Maggie, "India's Janana Suraksha Yojana(安全孕产方案):国家干预和控制生育的权力”(雷切尔·斯图尔曼), Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Adoumie, Lara, “对1993年孟买骚乱和2002年古吉拉特邦骚乱中社区暴力的法律反应的比较:买球平台罪责的框架和话语的转变”(雷切尔·斯图尔曼), Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Carter, Katherine, "The Environmental History of Tuna in Japan's Transwar Period" (Sakura Christmas, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Faucher, Grégoire, "The Yakuza - business practices and relationship with the police" (Henry Laurence, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Sangsuradej, Ponpavi, "Indigenous Labor and the Construction of the Burma Road" (Sakura Christmas, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Susman, Lily, "The 'New Woman' in Colonial Korea" (Sakura Christmas, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Zhang, Elina, "China's ethnic minorities and global anthropological fictions" (Belinda Kong, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)


Honors Theses

Defining Democratic Change within the Lay Judge System, Mathieu, Alexandra

Independent Studies

Coleman, Katie, "History, theory, and practices of ink painting" (Peggy Wang, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Faller, Theresa, “分层保证:前现代和早期现代日本疾病的描述”(贾安提·塞林格), Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Yeo, Younghyun, "Historiography of Japanese Colonialism in Korea" (Tristan Grunow, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Awards and Prizes

Justin Ehringhaus在第19届年度荣誉日庆祝活动上获得了第一个日语奖.


Margaret A. Bryan selected to JET Program.

Justin Ehringhaus获日本文部省(Ministry of Education and Technology)奖学金推荐,赴日本广岛大学学习一年.

Kevin Mackenzie awarded a U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship in Dalian, China.

Tyrone Li named alternate to Critical Language Fellowship to fund study in Japan.

Violet Ranson, recipient of a Goldsmith Adams Research Award, is spending the summer in Tokyo, Japan on a research internship at Temple University, Japan campus conducting sociological research on the Fukushima Daiichi disaster.

Justin Ehringhaus, Alexandra Mathieu, 和周天辰都参加了日本驻波士顿总领事馆最近举办的日语比赛.

Ponpavi Sangsuradej awarded a Wolstencroft China Fellowship.

Violet Ranson awarded a Riley Research Grant.


Honors Theses

超越当代“中国”艺术:解读80后艺术与中国四川艺术家 Li, Hongbei

, Query, James Tucker

乡村扬声器到虚拟聊天室:大众传媒与中日多代人的记忆, Rothschild, Viola Luolan

Independent Studies

Li, Ziqi, "An Yimin中国遗产的捍卫者:张大千的自我放逐山水画

(Peggy Wang, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Zhang, Yiran, “个体定位对亚裔美国人身份的横向建构”

(Nancy Riley, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Zhao, Yu, "Youth, Homelessness, and Lack of Social Belonging in Japanese Films of the 1990s and 2000s"

(Shu-chin Tsui & Jayanthi Selinger, Independent Studies Faculty Advisors)

Honegger, Jean-Paul, “改变核身份:福岛事件前后印度和日本的核抗议”

(Tristan Grunow, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Talbot, Ashley, "Masculinities and Japanese Male Idols: The Case Study of Arashi"

(Jayanthi Selinger, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Awards and Prizes

Viola Rothschild received a Fulbright Research Award in China.

Maya Little awarded a U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship studying Chinese.

Alexandra Mathieu won the Goldsmith Adams Award.



特蕾莎·富勒被选中在东京柏西大学校园的USTIP项目中进行科学研究, but declined.

J. 唐与斯蒂芬·马杰西克一起获得了缅因州太空基金-群体人工智能.


Honors Theses

从Demo到国会:战后日本工会的政治参与 Bogardus, Willem Reeves

Buddhism, resistance and dynastic legitimacy during the Huichang Suppression
, Brandstadt, Maxwell Joseph

Dynamics of fertility policy in Japan
, Kristofferson,Karen Mai

Independent Studies

Barber, Carolyn, “从日文到英文再从英文到日文的小说翻译尝试”
(Jayanthi Selinger, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Farrar, Julianne, “不同文化、不同时代的人害怕什么不同”
(Jayanthi Selinger, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Li, Ziqi, “夹在市场与理想之间——以余虹作品与艺术市场为例”
(Shu-chin Tsui, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Kim, Minnie, "Migrant workers in contemporary Chinese literature and film"
(Belinda Kong, Independent Studies Faculty Advisor)

Awards and Prizes

Carolyn Barber selected for JET Program.

Kim Lacey selected for JET Program.

Ruiqi Tang selected for JET Program.


JPN 206的Kim Lacey在日本驻波士顿总领事馆举办的征文比赛中获得三等奖.

Alexandra Mathieu selected for Japan-America Student Conference.