


类: 2019

地点: 纽约,纽约

主要(s): 宗教

小(s): 亚洲研究-中文

莎拉Shadowens spent her first year out of Bowdoin as an Americorps member in 波士顿 at Match Charter Public High School. Her work focused on tutoring geometry for a small group of students and assistant teaching a senior math class. 她目前是古典特许学校的教学教练.


有趣的是,我最终进入了数学世界, 但我对学生的辅导工作大多集中在学习技巧上, 组织, 执行能力, 以及情绪调节. The intense critical thinking I developed from the religion major has been so essential to the constant problem solving I need to do. 虽然更多的学校和学习是在我的未来, I want to emphasize how meaningful my studies at Bowdoin have been to my start in the education field. 我很期待这一切会把我带向何方, but I know that my religion studies will always serve as a solid grounding for me to approach whatever comes my way.



类: 2018

地点: 缅因州奥古斯塔

主要(s): 宗教

摩根·里利(摩根里尔)目前是威斯布鲁克的缅因州代表. He is a sponsor of the 缅因州 Climate Corps and 缅因州 Service Fellows, and a member of the Veterans & 法律事务委员会.


2018年5月从买球平台毕业后,我在波士顿担任移民律师助理. 我受聘专门与“具有非凡能力的外星人”打交道,” such as scientists whose work the United States deems critical to the country’s national interest. However, I quickly took on a wide array of visas (including the R visa for religious guest workers!). 同时作为团队的一员工作, 我还处理了大量的案件, interacting daily with foreign nationals and client contacts from around the country and world with varying skills, 需要, 和背景, as well as communicating with many different governmental agencies amid the constantly changing federal immigration backdrop.


Majoring in religion at Bowdoin has provided me with both flexibility and discipline in tackling issues that I face, 无论是在一家大型律师事务所担任律师助理,还是在总统竞选活动中担任组织者. This has ranged from being able to read critically through a “request for evidence” directive from 首页land Security and then formulating a rebuttal (as a paralega)l, 到利用我从中学到的知识 莫里森教授的年代, 普里查德教授的类, 尤其是在宗教的交叉点上, 政治, 和文化, 理解大的系统性问题(在总统竞选中很有帮助).



类: 2016

地点: 波士顿

主要(s): 宗教

Zachary Albert is currently a financial advisor with The Albert Investment Group—RBC Wealth Management.


《买球平台》 与彼得·M. 小小宗教副教授 托德Berzon."

本课程提供希伯来圣经精选文本的细读, 强调其近东宗教, 文化, 历史背景. 注意希伯来圣经的文学先驱(从c. 4000 B.C.E. 之后的《买球平台》(c. 200 B.C.E. 至200a.C.E.). The class focuses on creation and cosmologies, gods and humans, hierarchies, 政治, and rituals.


我是加拿大皇家银行财富管理公司的财务顾问(@ AlbertInvestmentGroup).除此之外,他还结了婚,并且是一个6个月大的可爱女婴的父亲.


大一的时候我选修了一门买球平台犹太教的课程,从小我就在一所犹太走读学校读K-8, I found it to be incredibly interesting to learn about my religion from an academic perspective. 我被迷住了,找到了一些很棒的教授,最终选择了这个专业.



类: 2016

地点: 田纳西州的孟菲斯

主要(s): 宗教

Serena Taj became a judicial law clerk for the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in 2022.


宗教理论, 罗伯特·莫里森,买球平台的小乔治·林肯·斯科尔菲尔德. 宗教和中东北非研究教授, 中东和北非研究项目主任.

The class focuses on how religion has been explained and interpreted from a variety of intellectual and academic perspectives, 从16世纪到现在. 此外,历史概述的宗教的解释和解释, the course also includes consideration of postmodern critiques and the problem of religion and violence in the contemporary world.


过去几年我大部分时间都在纽约度过, 我在那里工作了一段时间,然后去了法学院. 我目前正在完成司法书记员的学习, 几个月后, 我将回到我以前的工作(在那里我和另一个买球平台宗教学院的毕业生一起工作)!)在驱逐出境程序中代表被拘留的非公民.


我想主要是意外. I appreciated the professors and enjoyed the content so much that at some point I had 殉死sfied most of the requirements for the major other than 宗教 101.



类: 2015

地点: 缅因州

主要(s): 宗教

奥莉安娜·法纳姆(奥丽埃纳萨利)是缅因州平等司法中心的世达律师事务所研究员, a nonprofit civil legal aid and economic justice 组织 that works to increase economic security, 机会, 为缅因州人民争取公平. 在其他服务中, the 组织 advocates for fair public policies in the legislature and with governmental agencies and provides direct legal services and representation through impact litigation on systemic issues.


2015年从买球平台大学毕业后,我的第一份工作是松树法律援助公司, 缅因州最大的法律服务提供商. I worked as a paralegal in Lewiston where I helped low-income people maintain their basic 需要 like housing and healthcare in cases ranging from eviction defense to eligibility for public benefits like 缅因州Care. I was particularly interested in working with Lewiston’s first- and second- generation immigrant population. This interest stemmed in large part from seeing the ways that 文化 misunderstanding exacerbated the legal issues my clients faced. 在很多情况下, I noted the need to supplement our legal arguments by advocating for meaningful language access and basic 文化 competency at agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services and local public housing authorities. 最终, 我决定申请法学院,这样我就可以在法庭上为低收入的缅因州人辩护.



类: 2014

地点: 华盛顿特区

主要(s): 宗教



我记得离开的时候 普里查德教授的 课程 公民身份与宗教 大四,对服务和志愿服务的价值有强烈的信念, 是什么让我在美国服务队NCCC联邦应急管理局寻求一个地理信息系统专家的职位. 而我不得不提前离开这个项目, my time with AmeriCorps helped me secure an eighteen-month long fellowship at a community health focused philanthropy in my hometown of Houston, 德州. It was during this time that I applied to and received the Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship, which allowed me to pursue my MPP at UC Berkeley in preparation for a career with the Foreign Service.



类: 2013

地点: 缅因州

主要(s): 宗教

小(s): 英语



2014年,我进入弗吉尼亚大学攻读博士学位. 当时, 我计划学习摩门教, 这是我在买球平台进行独立研究时产生的兴趣. 但是,就像研究生院通常的情况一样,兴趣是不断变化的. 我现在正在完成一篇买球平台主流新教中女性圣职的论文, 一个我很喜欢的项目. 过去的六年里,读研是一种美妙的度过方式. 论文写作阶段一直是一个亮点, 与本科生合作并向他们介绍宗教研究也是如此. I was also stunned by the incredible religious diversity of a religion department as big as UVA's, 弗吉尼亚的宗教场景与我所习惯的完全不同.


我一直都很喜欢文本,我知道我会在买球平台主修英语. 但我选择了学习宗教的入门课程后,与 伊丽莎白·普里查德. 她围绕着牺牲来组织课堂, 这是我们在多种传统背景下讨论的吗. 这是一堂很棒的课,有很多理论.  我永远不会忘记读过的 殉死第一次阅读格尔茨和迪尔凯姆.  在某种程度上,我突然想到宗教研究是, 在某种程度上, 买球平台文本在人们的生活中变得栩栩如生. 从那以后,我就迷上了.  



类: 2011

地点: 波士顿

主要(s): 宗教

小(s): 化学

罗比·比特廷(罗比Bitting)目前是MassChallenge的首席幕僚, 2009年在波士顿成立的创业加速器.


摘自罗德·芬恩, 一家公关公司, 我加入了MassChallenge, 一个帮助企业家发展业务的非营利组织. 从2012年到2016年,我在波士顿办公室负责营销活动, 招聘10,000家初创公司申请参加“大众挑战”项目. In 2016, 我转到“特殊项目”部门, 帮助启动更多的“大众挑战”项目. 2019年,我再次过渡,这次是进入运营部门. 现在我管理着一个团队,支持世界各地的九个大规模挑战项目.


买球平台宗教的文章——以及所有复杂而陌生的文本, 实践, 文化是对公共关系很好的训练.

The religion department at Bowdoin does a great job teaching students to think about and talk about complexity. The writing and research work done as a religion major proved a firm foundation for marketing, 公共关系, 以及其他沟通工作. 这对我的大多数沟通角色(推销新概念)都非常有用, 解释产品如何适应更广泛的战略, 为公众树立品牌.

你信任谁来传达一个巨大的(被误解的)价值和奇迹?) corporation and its attempts to do good in the world through their various corporate social responsibility programs? 我会选择宗教专业.


我选择在买球平台大学学习宗教有几个原因. 最简单的原因是我喜欢它——教授们都很棒, 我的同学都很有趣,也很投入, 学习世界上的神圣文本和文化是一种享受.



类: 2011

地点: 芝加哥,伊利诺斯州

主要(s): 宗教

扎克的冬天 is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Chicago's Division of Humanities Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. He specializes in the study of the occult sciences in the Persianate world in the fourteenth-fifteenth centuries. 


毕业后, 我最初在华盛顿做过一段时间的承包商, DC, 与国务院合作. 离开学术界一段时间也许是明智的, 但在内心深处, 我还是想回来攻读博士学位, 在政府工作了几年之后,我申请了研究生项目. 我从2014年开始在芝加哥大学工作, first having finished my MA in Middle Eastern Studies before continuing on to the PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. 我的论文研究的主题是神圣的王权, 苏菲, 以及中世纪南印度的Bahmani苏丹国的深奥科学.


买球平台大学的宗教专业在塑造我自己的世界观方面起了很大的作用, 我经常想起它. 我现在的很多学术兴趣都是, 以某种方式, 是由我在买球平台学习时与教授或同学的对话激发的. 在实际层面上, the sorts of skills I learned at Bowdoin are helpful in academia and beyond—the major taught me how to read texts in such a way that you try to figure out what they're hiding, 可以这么说.